Thursday, December 20, 2007


So all the rave now-a-days is blogging....who knew that writing a diary would become popular again.

I remember as child, pre-teen and even teenager writing in my little diary with the lock and key, wishing, hoping and dreaming.....we grow up and forget how good it feels to get our thoughts out on paper. Ok, so today we get our thoughts out on the computer for the whole world to read, but they are still our thoughts!

My goal for this blog is the help people with their entertaining needs, and if I get a job here or there in the process I'll be happy!

Our business name is Agaperabba Entertainment. What the heck does that mean??? Well, a few years ago I did a search on our business name and low and behold the meaning was online . Of course they got that directly off our website, but I thought it was pretty cool to have an official (well semi-official) site have us listed.

By the way it's actually Agape R Abba broken down, but they tried.

We'll get into more about my husband and I, our skills, experience and entertaining today at later date.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I'm going to enjoy writing it!

First tip: Don't try to out do the Jones' If you entertaining the holiday season, keep it simple and fun. People will remember a party because of the company, not because you spent $1000 on flowers.

Thanks for reading along and have a blessed day!

Karen @
Party planning and event entertainment for any day and every budget!
Serving all of Southern California

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